Writers’ Retreat 2017!

Norma’s is happy to announce our first ever writers’ retreat in January 2017. Inspired by NaNoWriMo and by our own visitors, we think Norma’s would be a great place to get away, write in peace, and connect with other writers. The first step is planning based on what you want in a retreat. To beginContinue reading “Writers’ Retreat 2017!”

NaNoWriMo Discount!

  Writers have been getting ready for NaNoWriMo, which can be an exciting and productive time! But have you planned on what you’re going to do after? Maybe some editing or rewriting…in Costa Rica? Norma’s is giving 10% off weekly and monthly rates for writers who book during March-August of 2015! There’s one catch .Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Discount!”