
Norma’s is located:

200 metros al oeste de la plaza de futbol
La Garita, Alajuela, Costa Rica

Yes, if you are going through customs, this is the address you will use!

Email address:

Phone: 2-487-7065
(If you’re calling from outside Costa Rica, add 011-506 to the front of that number)

Need a map? We made this handy one showing how to get here from SJO Juan Santamaria airport (the San Jose airport)!

Norma’s Villas shows up on Google Maps and Waze.

Getting to Norma's from the airport!
Getting to Norma’s from the airport! We are only 15 minutes away from SJO

2 thoughts on “Directions/Contact

    1. Hi Chad! You can arrive January 20. We have a sort of gap day for people to leave and arrive! January 20 in the afternoon/evening is fine. People will be checking out in the morning.


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